Everything is Going to Be Okay

One day in mid-August, I was praying for insight about two tropical storms forming in the deep Atlantic. Mid-August marks the height of hurricane activity. While I was in prayer, an impression from the Holy Spirit said to me, “Everything is going to be okay.” I wrote this down in my journal and with relief... Continue Reading →


“Hey!” Our modern colloquial hello has never been my preferred greeting. I suppose the ole saying, “‘Hay’ is what you feed horses.” always stuck with me. I recently started studying Hebrew letters and their meanings. In my studying, I discovered that one of the Hebrew letters is “hey.” (I’ve also seen it written as heh,... Continue Reading →

Holy Week – The Passover Lamb

As promised in yesterday's message, today I am writing with a bit more detail about Passover. Old Testament Passover In the 1956 film, The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston, one of the more memorable scenes is when Moses requests Pharaoh to, "Let my people go!" God appointed Moses to lead the Israelites (the Hebrews) out... Continue Reading →

Holy Week – Palm Sunday

Beloved friends, In efforts to prepare my heart and mind for the week ahead, I plan on meditating and reading scripture this week that is in reference to Passion Week (aka Holy week). With that, I find it a joy to share some of my insights with you and I hope that God may unveil... Continue Reading →

PRAISE REPORT UPDATE: On Thursday 7/26/2012, doctors were scheduled to operate on little Mei-Lin, but they could not find any evidence of the tennis-ball sized cyst that was invading her intestines just a few weeks earlier. On Friday, Mei-Lin was released from the hospital without surgery. Praise be to God, Mei-Lin was healed by the hand of God!!! Thank You Jesus and all the VBS kids for their faith!! Mark 2:5

Afire Within

Today in VBS, we taught the kids about miracles. At the beginning of the lesson, we extensively discussed what a miracle is, how much Jesus went around doing good and healing people, and that all the books in the world cannot contain all the good things Jesus did and continues to do for us.

As an activity after the lesson, I had each student make a get well card for any friend, neighbor or family member that they know is sick and wants to get better. I also asked each student to include one of these three scriptures in their card:

  1. These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. – John 20:31
  2. Jesus went around doing good and healing. – Acts 10:38
  3. For nothing is impossible with God. – Luke 1:37

If the student did not know a friend or family…

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Houston Project: “Awe” Mission

Day four of teaching VBS to our kids was on the topic of salvation. To start the lesson, I had the kids participate in a skit addressing the evidence and testimonies for Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. After that, teaching assistant David led the class with the felt board Gospel presentation that we had been... Continue Reading →

Beattitude: Joy

Joy : the emotion evoked by well-being : a state of happiness or felicity Two years ago I was going through a heart break situation. In that, I visited a church in which the pastor spoke joy over me. A year later I visited another church and again the word joy was given to me... Continue Reading →

My Heart Sings (Part 2)

A few months ago I joined the Singers group at our church. The Singers is a small contemporary choir that sings on stage with the worship team leaders. It has been such a blessing to me to be a part of the Singers! When I sing, I am filled with so much delight to God.... Continue Reading →

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