Houston Project Mission – Get Well Mei-Lyn

Today in VBS, we taught the kids about miracles. At the beginning of the lesson, we extensively discussed what a miracle is, how much Jesus went around doing good and healing people, and that all the books in the world cannot contain all the good things Jesus did and continues to do for us. As... Continue Reading →

Celebration Christmas Experience

I have one word – amazed! This was my first year to attend the Celebration Christmas production at Houston's First Baptist Church and I must say I was amazed! I was like a little kid at the edge of my seat, wide-eyed, taking in every detail. Now this may seem like a short-handed complement since... Continue Reading →

Hell: The Eternal “Scream World”

If you drive around Houston area freeways, no doubt you have seen a billboard somewhere in the city advertising Scream World. It sure is a "scream world" when you have no hope! That's what most people who have experienced visions of Hades (God's holding cell for the wicked until judgement time comes when all who... Continue Reading →

Houston, We Have a Mission

I recently participated in the Houston Project - a sort of missionary opportunity around our own city of Houston. For a week, volunteers went to designated areas around Houston to share the gospel and love of Christ. There was worship, VBS, praying, evangelism, food and play time afterward. It was an organized opportunity to share... Continue Reading →

Brown Paper Bag Story

Last night, I pulled this bag out of the bag holder in our pantry (which is very close to the bottom cabinet of the sink). I stuffed it with some items that I am getting ready to donate to the Food Pantry/Clothes Closet. In looking at the bag, I read the message and it made... Continue Reading →

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